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CPD Units

Making Debt Recovery Effective

A webinar covering the most useful tools for effective debt recovery, including the types of clauses that are vital in any T&C's, pre-litigation steps, court processes and procedures, enforcing a judgement and tracing assets.


CPD Unit

An Accountants Crucial Role in the Fight Against Money Laundering

This webinar will provide an insight into why accountants are so important to anti-money-laundering. Discover your legal obligations and the consequences of being non-compliant.


CPD Unit

The year of SCARP and Debt Warehousing

The SCARP (SME Company Arrangement and Restructuring Process) is gaining momentum among SMEs as a potent solution for restructuring legacy debt and restoring viability. This webinar provides an insight into the process and the practicalities for the company and its directors.


CPD Unit

Malaysia's Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Model

This webinar delves into the Malaysia's Capital Gains Tax (CGT) being introduced in 2024, which encompasses both domestic and foreign assets.


CPD Unit

Empowering you in the fight against money laundering

Discover what AML really is and why it exists. This webinar provides a step-by-step guide to your legal obligations under the AML regulatory environment.


CPD Unit

The CEA - Investigations and Enforcements (Ireland)

This webinar will delve into the functions of the Corporate Enforcement Agency, its investigative powers, evidence gathering tools and outcomes.


CPD Unit

Achieving Practice Success without Long Hours or Undervaluation

This webinar will guide you through five critical growth stages, from identify roadblocks to implementing a strategy that will ensure your success when dealing with future challenges.


CPD Unit

How to be an Ethics Influencer

This webinar examines the practical actions that organisations can take to develop an ethics-based culture and explore the formal and informal ways in which you can influence this, whatever your level in the organisation