What Content Can Accountants Write on LinkedIn?

A webinar exploring LinkedIn content creation for accountants, including the benefits, overcoming nerves, content ideas and tips.

10:30 - 11:30

Date: 4 June 2024

We all know that we should write content. For our blogs, newsletters and social media.

But where do we start? What should we write about? Do we do video or is text ok and what about those pesky selfie photos that should be on Facebook?

I totally get you. It's not easy. And if we are not naturally writers then what do we do?

I have been writing content for many years now so to me it is easy. But it hasn't always been like this. I've just been practicing.

I was rubbish at English while at school and left with only a grade 2 CSE. Yes I'm that old.

In this webinar I'll be helping you get over your biases for creating content and actually get out there sharing your thoughts.

Problems solved:

  • Why we don't like posting and why we should
  • How to overcome the nerves about putting yourself out there
  • What to write about
  • The best time to post

Big promise:

By attending this session, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to become a content creator. You'll walk away with actionable ideas to create content immediately!



Ashley Leeds

Ashley Leeds is the unstoppable 15-Minute Guy! With over 30 years in sales, he has also specialised in assisting Accountants and Bookkeepers for over 16 years. As a business coach, Ashley empowers business owners to become sales and marketing savvy.

His expertise on LinkedIn led to the creation of the renowned LinkedIn Daily Habit Workshop. With 39 cohorts under his belt, he teaches LinkedIn on stage, through webinars, YouTube, and podcasts.

From free resources to 1:1 VIP services, Ashley helps users excel on this professional platform. Energetic and engaging, he'll unveil LinkedIn's value whenever you talk to him leaving you with key takeaways for profile and LinkedIn improvement.