IORPS II - Retirement Planning and Investment Considerations

Understand the impact of IORP II Directive on Irish occupational pensions schemes.

10:30 - 11:30

IORPS II - Retirement Planning and Investment Considerations


This webinar will look at the IORP II Directive, the EU’s pension fund legislation, which has finally been transposed into Irish law – more than two years after the intended deadline. 

While some further guidance and a code of practice from the Pensions Authority will  be required in order to outline the practical implementation of the Directive, it is clear it will have a significant impact on Irish Occupational Pension Schemes, including one-member schemes such as SSAPs and Executive Pension Plans. 

Additional complexity for Trustees and Employers, and new investment restrictions for members are some of the immediate implications that will need to be planned for. Join Andy Dixon and Terry Devitt from Harvest Financial Services for a presentation on the impact of IORPS II on Irish Pension funds; and how clients might consider the investment of their pension plans within the new guidelines.


Click here to register for this event.



AIA Event Speaker Terry Devitt

Terry Devitt

As Investment Director, Terry has responsibility for defining Harvest’s activities on all matters related to investment. Terry has over 30 years’ experience in the investment industry and is a regular contributor to various newspapers and other publications on topics of investment interest. Terry joined the firm following a number of years working as an investment analyst with NCB Stockbrokers. Prior to that, he worked as an economic analyst with the Government.  

AIA Event Speaker Andy Dixon

Andy Dixon

Andy joined Harvest in 2018 with 14 years’ experience in the Life and Pensions Industry in Ireland. During this time Andy provided technical support to independent intermediaries in the provision of Retirement Planning and Investment advice. Andy has attained the QFA, FLIA and RPA designations, is past Chair of the North-East Regional Committee of the Life Assurance Association and is a current member of the Dublin Committee. Andy also holds the Certified Financial Planner® designation with the Institute of Banking. 

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