A webinar about establishing and managing an ERM function and identifying ERM roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
12:30 - 13:30
In today's evolving technology and business world, financial organizations are taking on more and more risks.
This move increases the need to adopt appropriate Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) strategies, policies, and processes to identify, monitor and manage risk appropriately. In addition, in a world where more is being done at a faster pace, firms must manage their activities in a way that allows them to integrate their risk strategy with their overall risk management and internal control activities. Failure to do so may put companies at risk of not achieving their strategic objectives.
This webinar is to help the listeners to (i) learn how to establish and manage an ERM function—organization, policies, processes, and to (ii) Identify ERM roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
CPD Units: 1 unit
Fee: $50 for AIA / $100 for non-members
Language: Chinese (Supplemented with English PPT)
Remarks: ZOOM link will be sent to your email after registration form and payment received
Register Here
Boris Luk is the holder of MPhil., MBA, LL.M. and MSc. He is also a chartered company secretary and qualified accountants. Boris has more than 10 years of experience in company secretarial and compliance areas.