Where is My Life Going? Are You in Control?

Examining the causes that permit life to tip towards imbalance, usually driven by the necessity to generate income to meet financial responsibilities, prompts exploration into strategies for restoring equilibrium


Do you ever get ill right at the beginning of your holiday? Ever wonder why when you have worked so hard to earn this time off and now your body is giving up on you just when it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself? 

This webinar addresses how “pushing the boundaries” and overriding the system over long periods of time leads to feelings of overwhelm and stress for both mind and body. Firstly, by recognising what the physical reaction to stressful situations – deadlines, an overloaded “to do” list, conflict, physical and mental fatigue, does in the body and secondly through how it affects other aspects of your life, giving you a feeling of being out of control and questioning is there more to life.   

Taking a look at some of the reasons for allowing life to get out of balance in favour of the most essential because it generates money to pay the bills. As well as what can be done and how to do it to re-claim balance and integration that serves us, our lifestyle as well as other interested parties. 

This presentation will also provide some tips to re-gain work-life integration that is beneficial for all – your work performance, your family and home life, your social life and your personal down time. 

Main goals of the presentation: 

  • To understand how long periods of overwhelm and stress can affect both mind and body 
  • To know why you get sick at the start of your holiday 
  • To recognise when you are “pushing through” and to put things in place that enables you to take the foot of the peddle 
  • To understand the reasons for lack of work-life integration and how to reverse the trend 


1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD Unit)


Rachel Shackleton

Rachel is founder of Green Key Personal Development and Green Key Health is a business trainer and corporate health specialist.  She has over 30 years training experience providing solutions in the spheres of leadership, communication, customer excellence, and wellbeing. Clients include JTI, Sperasoft-KeyWords, Apstec, and Intermedia. 

Founder of a successful business in Russia that she sold after 16 years operation to an international organisation.   

Rachel has been featured in Authority magazine, Thrive Global, Up Journey, and interviewed on UK Health Radio as well as the Rick Nuske My Future Business Show. In 2020 she was a guest speaker at the International Health Summit held in Geneva 


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