Understanding AML Risk

A webinar explaining the nature of AML risk, the risk areas you must cover and those sensible to consider.


Richard Simms, Managing Director of AMLCC, delves into the essentials of AML risk assessments. Richard will guide you through understanding AML risks, statutory and practical risk areas, and how to create effective business-wide and client risk assessments. Learn about risk mitigation and how to integrate these practices into your daily operations. This session is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their AML compliance and protect their business from criminal activity. Richard will also address your specific queries, making this an interactive and valuable experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain expert insights and practical tips from a leading authority in AML compliance.


1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD unit)


Richard Simms, Managing Director of AMLCC, is both a professional regulated under the anti-money laundering regulations and a leading authority on anti-money laundering compliance, risk management and education. Since 2007 when AML regulation for accountants was introduced in the UK, as both a chartered accountant and an insolvency practitioner, Richard has seen first-hand the challenges of implementing effective AML processes. Working with UK regulators and supervisors, Richard used his unique professional insights to create AMLCC (Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Company Limited) in 2008 to make AML easier for regulated businesses worldwide

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