The year of SCARP and Debt Warehousing

The SCARP (SME Company Arrangement and Restructuring Process) is gaining momentum among SMEs as a potent solution for restructuring legacy debt and restoring viability. This webinar provides an insight into the process and the practicalities for the company and its directors.


2024 is shaping up to be a year of economic volatility, technological change and a continued employee challenges including both the rising cost of employment and a talent shortage.

This is before we consider the significant challenge of dealing with warehoused revenue debts which is facing many micro and small to medium sized enterprises.

However, many of the companies which availed of the debt warehousing scheme were struggling at that time the pandemic hit and have subsequently seen no discernible improvement in trading conditions post pandemic.

The SCARP process is finally gaining traction amongst SME companies and is proving to be an effective tool for many companies in restructuring legacy debt and retuning to viability.

Running at a success rate of almost 70%, the process is proving to be effective across a number of sectors and this presentation outlines:

  • The process itself
  • Revenues approach to SCARP and latest developments with warehousing
  • Strategies for success
  • The practicalities for the company and its directors.
  • Personal exposure for Directors


1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD Unit)


Anthony Glennon

Anthony is a Chartered Certified Accountant who joined Friel Stafford in 2014. He has acted as Liquidator & Receiver to a number of Companies in Ireland.

Anthony has extensive corporate restructuring experience, undertaking examinerships, receiverships, liquidations and SCARP’s across a wide variety of sectors including leisure, manufacturing, construction, hospitality and professional services.

He is also a member of ACCA’s Practitioners Panel which considers many of the technical issues facing members in practice and provides guidance to the ACCA members sitting on CCABI on the policy that they should follow.

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