What are the goals of artificial intelligence, and how is it defined in terms of simulating or approximating human intelligence in machines?
“Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation or approximation of human intelligence in machines. The goals of artificial intelligence include computer-enhanced learning, reasoning, and perception.”
In this session Daniel will cover:
What is Artificial Intelligence and the various different types of AI that exist. What has happened within this space in recent times and where you can see AI in use now.
What to consider when thinking about bringing AI into your work and how to being your people or colleagues and clients on that journey with you. Actionable take aways to use now.
Elements to consider when using AI and what it currently doesn’t do.
What is possible in the future and what companies like Microsoft are doing to bring AI into your day to day work experience.
1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD Unit)
Dan Dronsfield
Dan is a consultant working with accountancy firms to transform their practice using technology, he has a deep knowledge of the pain points common within practices and works with teams to make meaningful change. He has a keen interest in AI and how it can be used in a practical fashion. Recently Dan presented to an audience at the Intrergra International conference in Zurich on the subject of Ai within the accountancy space.
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