Protection is Paramount - How Secure is Your Data?

You will have heard or read reports about big firms having had a data breach and think it will not happen to you - but what will it cost to protect your data?


This webinar looks at what you can do to help ensure the data you have on your clients is protected.

With accountancy and bookkeeping on a journey to move predominantly to the cloud in this digital era, then protection of our data has never been so important. 

What is the cost of not protecting yourself? 

As an accountant and very trusted advisors by our clients, we do not want to loose credibility by allowing data leaks and hacks, and getting a reputation of being naïve and unworthy when it comes to running our business in the Cloud.  

We are not IT experts, but we are cautious and thorough, and therefore there are things we can put in place to make sure we are best protected. 

So if you want to know the best way to protect your business and your clients data, then this webinar is a must.  If you want to raise you data credibility status with your clients, then this will give you points to action.


1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD unit)


Gavin Spencer

Gavin is the Managing Director of Beach Accountants Limited, an Accountancy Excellence Firm winner in 2021. The firm was formed in 2012 and in 2018 transformed into a Digital Accountancy Practice. Gavin from the age of 14 years old always wanted to be an Accountant and has always worked in the industry building his firm to a team of 10. 

Gavin has guided the business from a traditional to a Digital firm, moving from just Compliance to a firm that offers Compliance and Advisory work. Technology has become a focus for the firm for clients and his team, changing the way the firm works so Gavin can concentrate on the development of the firm rather than working in it.


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