A webinar exploring upcoming accounting standard changes and Companies Act regimes including FRS 102 and FRS 105, small company disclosures, SORPs and more.
This is a topical course and its content will reflect that. The session will use practical examples and case studies, where relevant, and will cover:
• Progress on the periodic review of FRS 102 and FRS 105
• Putting leases on balance sheet
• The five step revenue recognition model
• Changes to small company disclosures
• Consequent changes to other relevant accounting standards and SORPs
• Companies House reform – changes to small and micro company exemptions
and filing requirements
• Other Companies Act changes in the pipeline
2 hours (2 non-verifiable CPD units)
John Selwood is a Chartered Accountant and independent training consultant, who lectures for major accountancy practices, professional bodies, training companies and publishers. He speaks on financial reporting, money laundering, company law and auditing. Previously, he has been the technical partner for a top thirty firm of accountants and head of an accountancy network. John is a member of the ICAEWs Audit and Assurance Faculty’s Practitioner Services Committee and has been involved with presenting and writing the material for the Audit & Assurance and Financial Reporting Faculty’s Roadshows for a number of years. He also regularly writes for Audit & Beyond and is the author of Core Auditing Standards.
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£30.00 | AIA members
£60.00 | Non - members