A webinar covering the most useful tools for effective debt recovery, including the types of clauses that are vital in any T&C's, pre-litigation steps, court processes and procedures, enforcing a judgement and tracing assets.
For any debt recovery to be effective, it is necessary to be able to have as much accurate information about the customer as possible. It is also essential to have a good set of terms and conditions (T&C's) that you can enforce. In this course, we will look at the types of clauses that are vital in any T&C's, depending upon whether you are a supplier of goods and/or services. We will also look at pre-litigation steps, court processes and procedures, enforcing a judgement and tracing assets. This will be a useful tool for you and your clients in the recovery of funds.
2.25 hours (2.25 non-verifiable CPD Units)
Paul Harris is a Solicitor, specialising in corporate and commercial law for over 30 years. During that period, he has advised on general corporate and commercial matters, restructuring – which is his real passion and insolvency. Many of his assignments have been particularly interesting including a number of professional football clubs from 1992 to the present day, the rescue of numerous manufacturing companies, professional service entities and Lloyds names. Paul has experience in defending directors for misfeasance and in disqualification proceedings and has advised extensively on corporate governance protocols, as well as acting for a government agency. He lectures on corporate law generally, and corporate and personal restructuring and insolvency issues, where he is known for his practical approach to restructuring, insolvency and directors’ duties and responsibilities.
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£33.75 | AIA members
£67.50 | Non - members