AML/CFT for Malaysian Reporting Institutes

Understand the role of a Compliance Officer and improve your awareness of the AMLA 2001. Take look at how to apply/comply with AMLA 2001 and discover more about the recent trends of Money Laundering and Malaysia National Risk Assessment.


The objective of the session is to: 

  • Provide an overview and improve awareness on the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceed of Unlawful Activities Act 2001(AMLA).
  • To exercise their responsibilities affectively thus protecting the organization’s reputation and avoiding regulatory action under AMLA 2001.
  • Enable participants to apply / comply with AMLA 2001 requirements. Comply with the requirements of AMLA 2001, Section 19 (2)(b) on staff training.
  • Understand role of Compliance Officer in prevention of money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing

The session will focus on: 

  • Trends of Money Laundering and Malaysia National Risk Assessment (NRA 2020)
  • Beneficial Owner (BO)
  • Politically Exposed Person (PEPs)
  • Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)


1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD unit)


Muhamad Nazri

En. Muhamad Nazri is currently pursuing his PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Law (specializing in Money Laundering) and also the AML / CFT Trainer in financial institution.  He actively provides training and knowledge sharing on;

  1. Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and Proliferation of Financing
  2. Know Your Customer (KYC)-CDD, EDD and ODD
  3. Politically Exposed Person (PEPs)
  4. Identification of Beneficial owners (BO)
  5. Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)
  6. Anti-Bribery and Corruption
  7. Section 17A of MACC Act 2009 -Corporate Liability

He was one of the members of the Examination Committee (EC) for Certified Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism Compliance Officer (CAMCO) program which jointly organised by Asian Banking School (ABS) and Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB).

He was a Financial Investigator (AML/CFT) with Central Bank of Malaysia for about 10 years and has experience in financial investigation relating to money laundering and Financial Crime activities. He provided litigation support to prosecution and invited to impart AML Investigation training to Law Enforcement agencies (LEAs) in Malaysia where he continues to maintain close network. He is also accredited as a "Certified Financial Investigator" from National Coordination Committee to counter Money Laundering (NCC) and Bank Negara Malaysia. During his service, he was also involved in operations conducted by a special task force under the Attorney General's Chambers, National Recovery Enforcement Team (NRRET).

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