This webinar will guide you through five critical growth stages, from identify roadblocks to implementing a strategy that will ensure your success when dealing with future challenges.
Discover how to transform your accounting practice into a profitable, future-proofed, and enjoyable business.
Shane will guide you through the five critical growth stages that shape your practice's journey, how to navigate them with confidence and how to avoid common pitfalls. Learn to overcome the scaling bottleneck, where growth creates more pressure than progress. Smash the glass ceiling caused by the inefficient capacity stage, where overworking for limited returns is common. And understand how success breeds complacency, leading to practice that isn’t future proofed and is degrading in value in the mature stage.
What You'll Discover:
The 5 Stages of Growth: We'll explore the critical stages that shape your practice's journey and how to navigate them with confidence.
Identifying Roadblocks: Learn the common hurdles that can halt progress and keep you stuck in a cycle of hard work or that prevent you from keeping ahead in terms of future proofing.
Proven Strategies for Success: With over 25 years of experience in helping accountants like you, we'll share actionable insights to transition between stages smoothly and efficiently and ensure that when you’re ready for exit (3 years or 3 decades time) it will give you the best returns.
Future-Proof Your Practice: Discover how to scale up without working harder and build a resilient practice ready for tomorrow's challenges.
Join us to unlock strategies for sustainable growth without sacrificing your well-being or compromising on fees. Don't just run your practice; let it thrive and support the life you aspire to
1 hour (1 non-verifiable CPD Unit)
Shane Lukas
Shane and his team of experts have helped more than 4000 accountants grow their revenue and profits and, to make their accounting business more fun and less time intensive. He is an International Coach, Trainer, an energising and inspiring keynote speaker and has authored many international best-selling books for business owners and accountants.
Shane has seen too many business owners suffer, working silly hours and earning barely enough. They don’t get to live the life they want to including quality family time which impacts relationships. Shane was once in this position himself, it bothered him that he wasn’t able to spend the time he wanted with his wife and children. It felt like it was business OR family. Shane eventually made the decision that he would make his business work for him instead of the other way around so he could have both business and family time and he did exactly that.
As he can’t help every business out there achieve the same, Shane believes that accountants are best placed to help business owners improve the way they run their business. But, whilst many accountants would love to help in more ways, many are also stuck in the rat race, churning out accounts for barely profitable fees and often lack the time, knowledge and credibility to help clients.
Through his business AVN, Shane and his team inspire and teach accountants around the world to run a better business first and foremost and then teaches those accountants how to help their clients run a better business so that everyone gets to win in business and life.
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